Our icon
The brand icon for Super Streaming is designed by merging a bold square as the base, overlaying it with a stylized ‘S’ that fluidly incorporates a dynamic lightning bolt, symbolizing energy and the power to supercharge creators content with overlaid shopping, auctions, and free-to-play prized prediction and trivia games.

Primary logo
The primary orientation of the Super Streaming logo is horizontal, designed for optimal legibility and impact, with the logo appearing in black against white or light backgrounds and inverted to white on black or dark backgrounds. The only other authorized variation is the white logo set against the brand’s signature blue color, maintaining brand consistency and visibility.

Brand Color Palette
Main Brand Color
Dark Compliment
Light Shade
Light Compliment
Dark Color Palette
Base Background
Card Background
Stroke & Highlight
Light Compliment
Light Color Palette
Base Background
Card Background
Stroke & Highlight
Light Compliment
HEADLINES: Inter – Regular
Headline directed towards partners and streamers
Headlines When Communicating with Partners And Streamers is Title Case And Less Loud.
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Bold statements
BODY FONT: Roboto – Regular
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce libero neque, viverra ac elementum vitae, dictum ut nisi. Ut enim sapien, lacinia eget mattis in, faucibus eget est. Duis venenatis ultricies nunc, sed dictum tortor accumsan eget. Morbi pellentesque ac mi sit amet pharetra. Aliquam luctus ullamcorper elit nec aliquet. Aenean sit amet velit sit amet nibh eleifend blandit. Cras eget neque mollis, ullamcorper justo ut, pharetra nulla. Nunc bibendum diam sed enim mollis, sit amet condimentum orci vestibulum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Vivamus vitae purus orci. Aenean commodo sapien eget turpis commodo viverra. Sed finibus convallis ultrices.
Tone of voice conveys certainty and assurance in our team’s proven experience building technology for content creators, enabling them to deliver enhanced experiences to their viewers with complete confidence.
We convey a sense of forward-thinking and innovation. Our language reflects the cutting-edge nature of our services and our role as pioneers in gamified viewing and overlayed shopping experiences for content creators and brands.
Our tone is captivating and interactive. We aim to involve our audience, encouraging participation and immersion in our gamified free-to-play and pay-to-play games, along with overlaid shopping and live auction enhancements for creators and brands.
Our tone emphasizes accessibility and ease of use. We aim to provide content creators and brands with an intuitive overlay that offers viewers more opportunities to engage in shopping directly and participate in gamified prize experiences, ensuring inclusivity for all.
While maintaining an engaging and enthusiastic tone, we also uphold a level of professionalism that reassures our users of our reliability and dedication to quality.
Our language emphasizes the importance of community and shared experiences, highlighting how our platform brings people together through enhanced content viewing and engagement.